
新青年全球是一個大GLOBEE的勝者在14日 的年度2021婦女在商業與職業世界獎。這個儀式表彰了世界各地為卓越樹立行業標杆的商界女性。



年度最佳公司,非營利(Jeunesse Kids)
婕斯環球的銀獎和銅獎 GLOBEE 獎包括:


Jeunesse Honored at 2021 Women World Awards

Jeunesse Global was a winner of a Grand GLOBEE at the 14th annual 2021 Women in Business and Professions World Awards. This ceremony recognizes women in business around the world who set industry benchmarks for excellence.

“We are proud to recognize the achievements of women from all over the world,” said San Madan, co-founder of the Women World Awards. “The annual Women World Awards program celebrates the individuals and teams who set industry benchmarks for excellence.”

Jeunesse Global’s award highlights include Gold GLOBEE awards for:

Female Achievers, Champion of the Year
Female Executive of the Year, Consumer Products
Excellence in Industry Woman of the Year, Consumer Products
Company of the Year, Consumer Products
Company of the Year, Non-profit (Jeunesse Kids)
Jeunesse Global’s Silver and Bronze GLOBEE awards include:

Female Entrepreneur of the Year, Consumer Products
Most Innovative Company of the Year

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